So I figured since the Final 4 is upon us, maybe it's time to make some predictions on the games based on the teams beerography. I'll break down the matchups based on their "ties" to beer and from that a prediction will come. Today:
THE Ohio State University vs Georgetown UniversityOhio State has a few things going for it in the beerness. First, they have a player
from Dublin, Ohio. Why do I mention this? Because Dublin, Ireland is the home of Guinness, so obviously that gives Dublin,OH some serious beer credibility. Another thing in OSU's favor is that Temwr says there is a good beer brewed there. I don't know the name, but if he'll vouch for it then good enough for me. Also Greg Oden could buy beer in the 3rd grade. OSU also has a guy on the team named Lighty, which kind of reminds me of Coors Lighty. But it also reminds me of lighty-weights and that's never a good thing, unless it's a chick, and this isn't the women's final four. The other bad knock is that Oden and Conley are from Indianapolis, and as we all know, Indy doesn't have any good beer.
Georgetown doesn't have a whole lot going for it in the beer category. First, Washington D.C. just doesn't strike me as a "Beer Town". It's hard to imagine
Nancy Pelosi wandering into a bar and ordering some PBR. It seems more like a martini town, and this isn't the lordz of martinis. G'town does have a player on the team from Harvest, Alabama. This is a great beer town in my mind. Why, you may ask? Well, when I was looking it up, the abbreviation is Harvest, AL, which is eerily similar to Harvest ALe. Lots of breweries make a Harvest Ale but my favorite is the Sierra Nevada Harvest Ale. Another thing that Georgetown used to have in it's favor is that John Thompson always sounded drunk, but his son doesn't, and the younger Thompson is coaching now.
So when you add it all up, it's pretty obvious, THE Ohio State University will triumph in this matchup. Tomorrow, i'll break down the Florida/UCLA game because this is getting too long for one day.